Friday, April 4, 2014

E-commerce Solutions

Dgdonline e-commerce solutions have been carefully chosen to deliver the best possible online experience for your online business.

E commerce solutions vary and there are heaps on the market. So lets take a look at whats out there! Here is a small graph showing a glimpse of what solution’s are available (this is an older pie chart)

e-commerce, e-commerce solutions

Choosing the right ecommerce solution can be difficult and a lot of time can be wasted on the wrong choice.

We have taken a selection of the best ecommerce solutions for the different markets applicable to them. Magento and Woocommerce and you will see why!

Here is an newer spread of the e-commerce solutions illustrated

ecommerce solutions

What this image shows us is that Magento and Magento variants have become used in the larger enterprise scale websites and that the easier to use Woocommerce and bigcommerce have made some great headway. Unbelievably PrestaShop has a massive share still even though it has to be the worst to work inside.

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We have both ends of the e commerce world covered with the most powerful platforms available

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E-commerce Solutions

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