Monday, May 19, 2014

Search Engine Optimisation

Website SEO analysis

Search Engine Optimisation

Ranking higher in search can have an outstanding effect on the overall success or failure of your business. The engagement of a search engine optimisation company can help  to ensure that your company succeeds and has the capacity to grow and to expand.  Your search engine optimisation team can be the most effective tool that you have to ensure the growth of your company.

Things have changed since the early days of search engine optimization. Back then all that was required or expected for the site owner was  to just submit the site along with metatags attached to keywords and well worded accurate descriptions of the content of its pages. As a result of this lax attitude and action,  years of abuse of the system by unethical marketers left the systems offering us very misleading information and popular keywords. In many cases black hat SEO techniques were used to trick the search engines into giving pages a higher ranking than they deserved.

One of the biggest problems were web content providers that manipulated a number of attributes within the HTML code of a page by employing popularly searched for keywords that had nothing to do with their site. To combat all of these things, the algorithms began to change dramatically and that remains true today. Regular updates and regular changes in search engine optimisation techniques are rolling out as rapidly as changes in the medical field.

The search engines algorithms have changed dramatically. Post-Panda, Penguin and hummingbird Google algorithm updates creating havoc on many sites and causing the drop of millions of websites in the rankings. While many of the haters will tell you that SEO or search engine optimization is dead, the facts are quite different. Search engine optimization is far more relevant but far more difficult than ever before.

The online climate is changing dramatically but with the right search engine optimisation team, you can change with it and watch your business grow.

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Search Engine Optimisation

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